
About MAUVE++

This is MAUVE++ validator v 3.0.2

MAUVE++ validator is a project of HIIS Lab at ISTI - CNR, currently mantained by Fabio Paternò, Marco Manca and Nicola Iannuzzi.

MAUVE++(Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment) is a system to evaluate accessibility of websites by checking their HTML and CSS code through guidelines, it provides validation results for different types of stakeholders, and supports validation of W3C WCAG 2.1 guidelines.


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Additional information about MAUVE++ can be found in the info & help page and in the following papers:

  • , : "Large Scale Automatic Web Accessibility Validation" "GoodIT '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good" 307–314 , ()

A more general discussion about the relevance of automatic validation tools in websites' accessibility assessment can be found in the following paper:

  • , : "The Transparency of Automatic Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools: Design Criteria, State of the Art, and User Perception" "ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing" ()

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